Preparing for Challenge Week

Oh, my. It seems as though our activities are accelerating. We have personal presentations and Challenge Week coming up next week. I have just finished a six day week. We have one day off and then the pressure is on. I suppose, since we are officially at the training half way mark this is to be expected. After learning the methodologies, it is time to put them into practice. I have had seven school days with teacher missing three. Made for a challenging time. I have yet to be monitored by training staff while I do a lesson. That is about to change. I am preparing a mock lesson as if I were delivering to 5th grade. However, next week staff will assess my delivery as I do the lesson with fellow trainees. May I say that I am actually MORE nervous to present to my training group? The next day three of us will host a Literacy Fair after school from 2:30 to 5:00 for students and their families. W...