One Giant Partee

19 May, 2016

The preparation…..
I have been looking forward to being present for the 50th Independence Day celebration for two years!  As it is known now, The Golden Jubilee is cause to honor this country.  After being governed and either enslaved or indentured by French, Dutch and British, by the 1900’s Afro-Guyanese and Indo-Guyanese political groups began to take over governing the country.  Complete independence came May 26, 1966 and Guyana joined the United Nations one year after. The time since has not been easy.  There has been corruption, emigration of many to other Caribbean nations (yes, Guyana is considered a Caribbean nation), North America and England to create a “brain drain”.  Guyana has just over 750,000 people in the country.  Reportedly, there are more Guyanese outside than in. The free market economy is not without controversy. The motto of “One Nation, One People, One Destiny” is not evident.  Finger pointing from one ethnic group to another exists in the villages as well as the elected offices.  However, with the 50th Anniversary pulling people together for a common celebration, it’s an honor to be present for the history making event. Of course, there will always be controversy and the way the current government is planning and spending for what is to be a remarkable occasion it is to be expected. Nevertheless, people will be enjoying themselves and take pride in what has come to pass.
I am told the hotels in and near Georgetown have been sold out for weeks.  Many Guyanese are “coming home” for this huge event even though they may be second generation US citizens!  The cleanup efforts have been massive.  The investments to contain great masses of people have been enormous. The phone systems and other infrastructure has been beefed up JUST in the present month. Beautification has been laboriously and painstakingly done not just in Georgetown but the villages.  The roadwork has been strategically managed and the place is looking neat and tidy as a giant, beautifully wrapped gift.  Regalia is everywhere.  It is exciting and uplifting to walk around and see how the government, the independent businesses, the NGO’s the schools and even small business owners are dressing up with the colors of the Guyana flag!

All of the above are Georgetown properties.  New Amsterdam and villages are stepping in line slowly.

I learned through my village host mom that a bus or minivan would be hired to carry a good number from the area where I live to Georgetown.  The plan: leave early (before dawn) on the day of the celebration and return late.  I told her I wanted on that bus as I had no intention of trying to find a place to stay! Besides, the rules for a PCV is that they sleep at home the last 3 months.  I would be in compliance! Well, as it turned out, one PCV after another wanted on and the bus will be 15 PCV along with host mom, Jenni and her husband, Desmond!  Here I thought I would be traveling with villagers….it’s a bit ironic!

JUST NOW for the reality………


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