Trying To Find The Joy

The month of October saw two more of our group leave Guyana. It was hard to see friends Kelly and Erika leave and I took a day off of school to have lunch with them in Georgetown before they left the country. I am happy they are safe and moving on to their next chapter of life outside of Guyana. Kelly on the left and Erika in pink top joined by me, Lindsey and Tanoa for lunch at The Oasis. Admittedly, I go to a place where I question my role in the Peace Corps; in the village; in school when these things happen. Then I return to school and see the smiles, hear the cries of “Miss Patty” and receive the hugs that I know I’m at the right place. October was dedicated to sports, Sports, SPORTS and more SPORTS! Sandvoort Primary is not unlike any other primary school in Guyana when it comes to competitive and enthusiastic response when given a chance at sports….in particular, cricket. However, in terms of numbers, Sand...