Getting through
Looks like I’ll make it! Reminds me of a song. With the start of school on the horizon, I can say that I still have my wits about me after this August of laying low. In my spare time, I was able to make: *birthday cards * “piggy bank” for the loose coins *checkers set *coasters *pencil parking lot. (I hope NOT to see anyone running around the yard with a pencil.) The last volunteer that stayed at the house left behind a bicycle. It was not a pretty sight, but seemed sound with a few repairs. I scouted out a man who repairs bikes and soon enough it was back in order. Yes, it could use a paint job, but those who really know me know I don’t care. If it’s too pretty, it will disappear and I am fine with it as long as it gets me from A to Z. I have ridden it into New Amsterdam and will say it provides a nice ride. Walking or riding in New Amsterdam always garners greetings of “hello Whitey”!...