September 2015

Well, it’s turned fall where many of my friends and family now see some signs of the season. Here in Guyana it’s still hot. However, I do in fact see leaves dropping here and there and am reminded of home. Some of my new Guyanese friends are now traveling in England, Canada and the US. They are excited to see the colors vividly displayed and I have to admit….I am looking forward to seeing them myself. That will be NEXT fall! September has had me going. I started the term doing assessments on the students G1-G6. Some, as expected did fall back, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a couple of improvements. One girl alone took up my challenge to read 10 books during the summer. She now has become a reading enthusiast! I have initiated two separate before school book study groups. The first is early readers on Monday and Wednesday mornings for ½ hour and the fluent readers are Tuesday and Thursday for the same time. This...