Summer Time ~ And the Livin' is Easy

Summer time and the livin' is easy....or NOT! How can it be that it's 1/2 way through summer and just now I feel like I can relax? Well, here's why..... Toward the end of June I realized I had not been feeling 100%. I had a bad cough (I told PC Medical that I had a demolition derby going on inside) and generally weak. I had no fever or other symptoms but after 3 weeks of enduring it, I called the Nurse Jean. She authorized a visit to nearby Dr. Ganesh in New Amsterdam so that I would not have to travel to Georgetown. He put me on some medication and PC Medical restocked my vitamins. In a week's time I felt better. All the while, school was wrapping up and I still had lessons with children in my house. I said farewell to children at nearby Lockhaber School as they would soon have their own PCV assigned to them. I worked with villagers to begin preparation for a big village Emancipation celebration in August. July rolled around and...