
HELLO! You may notice the PINK boat in Berbice river off my elbow. Hello is not a greeting here in Guyana. It’s “HEY YOU! LOOK HERE!” I hear it a lot in the classroom and in the neighborhood when a parent is trying to get a child‘s attention. I have YET to stop myself from saying “hello” to people I meet on the street. I wonder what they are thinking. Usually, people say “Good Morning” or Good Afternoon” and expect either the same in return or I hear “alright”. Alright??? It has not settled with me so I keep giving the same “hello” and then think, “that is not what they want to hear”. Oh, well…change comes slowly. Let me say that NOTHING is easy in Guyana. Getting “current”, phone service, internet, transportation, laundry and mail. Let me give my latest example. First of all, we have it easy in the US when we mail something. The post man or woman will pick it up w...